This patch creates "Software" sights for most weapons, intended to replace the ugly hardware sights on the average Marathon Player Monitor. In detail, the following sights were added:
For the .44 and the Fusion pistol: Aim Points (or Laser sights)
For the rifle: Combined gun and grenade sight
For the Alien Gun: A leveled sight
For the Missile Launcher: A classic sight
This patch updates the "Shapes" file without duplicating it, so take some care appling it. Simply start the application and choose the shape file, which you will update. That½s all.
This application was created with the Marathon Shapes Editor v 1.0 from Joe Kloss ⌐1995,
Further Comments
Ñ To use the .44 and the Fusion more effectively, set their pheta values in the physics model to zero. Really great for some "Long Distance Kills" especially of Sitting Ducks.
Ñ The sights doesn't work correct in full screen mode ... they will work but ... SORRY!!!
Ñ 'cause of a little bug in the Marathon Shapes Editor we had to modify some colors a little bit. In the next version number, this will be corrected.